
This Saturday is the day for the Kaohsiung New Immigrant Multicultural Market, features foreign cuisine and dance performance

This Saturday is the day for the Kaohsiung New Immigrant Multicultural Market, features foreign cuisine and dance performance.  Photo reproduced from高雄大遠百資料照片
This Saturday is the day for the Kaohsiung New Immigrant Multicultural Market, features foreign cuisine and dance performance. Photo reproduced from高雄大遠百資料照片
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

On November 4, the outdoor plaza on the first floor of Kaohsiung Far Eastern Department Stores will host a multicultural market event (臻愛新家人 幸福in高雄) organized by the Civil Affairs Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government in honor of the 2023 Immigration Day.

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This Saturday is the day for the Kaohsiung New Immigrant Multicultural Market, features foreign cuisine and dance performance.Photo provided by Civil Affairs Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government

The Kaohsiung City Government’s Civil Affairs Bureau said that cultural dance performances from other nations are part of the festival. Additionally, the public may experience a range of fascinating foreign cultures thanks to the market stall area's assortment of children's toys and challenging activities.

According to the Kaohsiung City government's Civil Affairs Bureau, 31 educational programs were arranged this year by the city's household registration offices and neighborhood new immigrant non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the new immigrants enjoyed them. To highlight educational achievements and offer a venue for cross-cultural interactions, the Civil Affairs Bureau has specifically scheduled the multicultural market invites new immigrant groups to enjoy in foreign cuisine and discover the fascinating and distinctive customs of other nations, all while blending into the carnival-like environment.

This Saturday is the day for the Kaohsiung New Immigrant Multicultural Market, features foreign cuisine and dance performance.Photo reproduced from高雄大遠百資料照片

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