
雙語新聞-學習輔助犬幫助孩子們閱讀 Children partner with assistance dogs to improve their reading skills

學習輔助犬幫助孩子們閱讀。Children partner with assistance dogs to improve their reading skills. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)
學習輔助犬幫助孩子們閱讀。Children partner with assistance dogs to improve their reading skills. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

根據The Star報導,艾美,一隻黃金獵犬,舒適地躺在正在看書的七歲女孩安娜瑪麗亞身邊。 這隻狗戴著一條帶有德語 Lesehund(“閱讀犬”)的紅領巾,在幫助難以大聲朗讀的兒童克服自身的恐懼。

According to The Star, Emmy, a golden retriever, is lying comfortably by Anna-Maria, a seven-year-old girl who is reading a book. The dog, who is wearing a red neckerchief with the German phrase Lesehund – "reading dog" – is a major participant in a volunteer project aimed at assisting children who struggle to read aloud overcome their fears.

和學習輔助犬一起練習,對安娜瑪麗亞幫助很大。Practicing with the reading dog has greatly aided Anna-Maria. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

和學習輔助犬一起練習,對安娜瑪麗亞幫助很大。Practicing with the reading dog has greatly aided Anna-Maria. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)


Anna-Maria pettifies Emmy as she begins to read, and the words flow easily. Artist, astronaut, you can decipher even the most difficult words!" Emmy's owner, Kerstin Deters, is praised.

現年 48 歲的迪特斯提到自己是該項目所在的德國北部石勒蘇益格-荷爾斯泰因州和漢堡州的閱讀犬隊的唯一訓練師。

Deters, 48, claims to be the sole trainer of reading dog teams (a dog and its handler) in the northern German states of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, where the project is based.


When Anna-Maria read aloud in front of the class, her classmates used to make fun of her. However, practicing with the reading dog has greatly aided her, and she now has a greater sense of confidence.


She's reading at Deters's house on this specific day. The initiative is only now slowly resuming at the participating schools due to the coronavirus pandemic.



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