
The voting campaign of “New Residents New World- Little Online Tour Guide" aims to collect articles and short videos from new immigrants and citizens to share cultures, costumes, languages, foods, sightseeing attractions, architecture, history, and folk culture, etc. of various countries for the public to get to know residents and their homeland better.

 How to Participate:

  1. Article submission

Use  "New Residents New World- Little Online Tour Guide" as the topic to introduce the homeland of the new resident, such as through culture, costume, language, food, a sightseeing attraction, architecture, history, or folk culture, etc. Choose a subject and write an article in Chinese; we suggest between 300 and 1,000 words in addition to an attached photo (10 photos maximum. You must have permission to share the photos.).

Please submit the e-file and fill in the application form on the IFI Network+'s official Line ID  (ID:@ifitw). The organization team will upload all the files to the campaign page.

  1. Short video submission

Use  "New Residents New World- Little Online Tour Guide"as the topic to introduce the homeland of the new resident, such as through culture, costume, language, food, a sightseeing attraction, architecture, history, or folk culture, etc.  The video length is limited to between 3 and 5 minutes in addition to a brief introduction to the video (video file must be less than 200MB).

Please submit the video, video topic, and brief introduction, and fill in the application form on the IFI Network+ 's official Line ID (ID:@ifitw). The organization team will upload all the videos to the campaign page.

  1. Each participant may only submit one article and one short video. Participants can share and promote their work via Facebook and ask for votes from family members and friends during the campaign.
  2. Each person can vote by giving Likes on articles and short videos, limited to three votes maximum each day.


Campaign Period:

Call for articles and short videos: May 1 (Sat.) to June 9 (Wed.), 2021

Voting: June 10 (Thurs.) to June 24 (Thurs.), 2021



(1) Most Popular Award:

First Prize: HERAN 32-inch Smart WIFI LCD TV with set-top box (one winner for the article and one winner for the short video)

Second Prize: Commodore 27-inch luggage (one winner for the article and one winner for the short video)

Third Prize: AnyBeam laser scanning projector (one winner for the article and one winner for the short video)

Fourth Prize: 3M room air purifier 13 SQ (one winner for the article and one winner for the short video)

Fifth Prize: SUGAR true wireless stereo headphones (one winner for the article and one winner for the short video)

(2) Nominee Award: Starbucks Assorted Cookies Box (Online voting: the sixth to twentieth nominee, Article and Short video: 15 nominees each)

(3) Participation Award: Yangmingshan Chinese Yam Box (article and short video 5 winners each by lucky draw)

(4) Voting Award (give Likes): Postal Office Gift Certificate of NT$300 (article and short video 5 winners each by lucky draw)

Winner Announcement:

The winners list will be announced before Friday, July 2, 2021

Campaign results exhibition and award ceremony: The event will be held at the end of July 2021. Winners will be invited to the physical event (event date and address to be confirmed).



  1. Each of the TOP 20 winners of articles and short videos by online vote are excluded from the Submitter Prize.
  2. Any voiceover, music, pictures, and words used in the submitted short video must be authorized for reproduction, editing, public presentation/ broadcasting/transmission by the creator and any related groups. Should legal disputes in relation to copyright arise due to the broadcasting of the video, the submitter of the video shall be fully responsible. Should a third party acclaim the rights and related units of the campaign and be accused of law violations, the submitter shall compensate for all the expenses and losses of the related units. 
  3. The submitted article or video shall not copy or paste works from others. Sex and nudity, violence, defamation, personal attacks, political issues, indecent works, and actions that violate the regulations of the Republic of China are not allowed. Should any article or video violate this rule, the submitter will be disqualified without further notice.
  4. By participating in the campaign it is assumed that the organizer is permitted to use the submitted articles, videos, images free of charge on all kinds of media channels, government institutions, online platforms for marketing, promotion, news reporting, and public broadcasting, etc.
  5. Participants are deemed to have acknowledged all the regulations of the campaign upon submissions of works.
  6. The organizer reserves the right to revise or cancel the campaign at any time. If other unspecified conditions arise, the organizer is permitted to add to or revise the rules at any time.
  7. According to the Income Tax Act, should the value of Income from Prizes amount to more than NT$1,000, the price of the prize shall be filed under Annual Individual Income Tax. Should the value of Income from Prizes be more than NT$20,000, 10% tax of Income from Prizes shall be withheld. Non-residents of the ROC (citizens and foreigners staying for less than 183 days within the territory of the ROC), regardless of the amount received, shall be subject to 20% tax of Income from Prizes to be withheld. Should withholding tax payment be under NT$2,000,  tax withholding is exempted (foreigners are not eligible for this exclusion). Should the winner refuse to make the withholding tax payment after receiving notice from the organizer that they have won a prize, the winner is considered to have forfeited the prize and related rights.
  8. After announcing the winners list on the IFI Network+ (https://ifi.immigration.gov.tw), the organizer will contact the winners. Prize winners have to sign to accept their prize. The Most Popular Prize will be awarded at the ceremony. Large prizes (first and second place of the Most Popular Award), Participation Award, and Voting Award (Give Likes) will be delivered to the winner via delivery service. Shipment is limited to within the Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu.
  9. The winners of the Most Popular Award will be invited to attend the campaign exhibition as well as the award ceremony. Please prepare a 3~5-minute long introduction for the work, and the winner will be invited to share on stage (the event will be at the end of July, 2021; date and address to be confirmed). 
  10. The winner of the Nominee Award will be invited to attend the campaign exhibition as well as the award ceremony. Please prepare a 1-minute long introduction to your work (the event will be at the end of July, 2021; date and address to be confirmed). 
  11. Submitted works will uploaded to the Popular Articles column on the IFI Network+ for public viewing, and news will sync with the IFI Network+'s official Line ID via push notifications. This campaign is subsidized by the New Residents Development Fund, therefore, participants shall agree that the Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency may use the works for free for charitable purposes.


Find more information here.


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