
Cannes Indies Short Awards Singles out Filipino Documentary as Best Short Film

The award-winning documentary They Call Me Dax was written and directed by Filipino filmmaker Patrick Alcedo. (Source from ABS-CBN)
The award-winning documentary They Call Me Dax was written and directed by Filipino filmmaker Patrick Alcedo. (Source from ABS-CBN)

According to【ABS-CBN】on July 14, a short documentary on a teenager trying to survive as a ballet dancer won the Best Short Documentary at the Cannes Indies Cinema Awards. Entitled They Call Me Dax, the documentary was written and directed by Filipino filmmaker Patrick Alcedo based in Toronto, Canada.

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Filipino filmmaker Patrick Alcedo. (Source from ABS-CBN) 

Filipino filmmaker Patrick Alcedo. (Source from ABS-CBN)

The documentary is now an official nominee in another online festival Phoenix Shorts in Toronto where jury selects the winners of each category through private screenings. Another documentary, A Will to Dream, is now an official entry in the Chicago Indie Film Awards.

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According to【ABS-CBN】, “I was of course elated,” director Alcedo told Vera Files. “I was also surprised my film got notice in an international film competition.”

Alcedo is not totally strange to awards as his first feature length documentary, A Piece of Paradise, won the Best Canadian Film Award and the Best First Feature Film Award at the 2017 Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival.

For more information, please visit the site.


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