
Immigration Agency’s Human Right First Policy Help Kids Who Lost Their Parents

Immigration Agency’s Human Right First Policy Help Kids Who Lost Their Parents

      In order to protect the identity and the resident right of those non-Taiwanese lost parent kids, the Interior Ministry has set up procedure with the local social affair bureau to help the kid first apply for the new resident permit under their birth mother’s nationality. If the searching of their birth mother came out of nothing, the social affair bureau can file the statelessness certificate to proceed with adoption.

      The interior ministry stated that the lost parent kid can become Taiwanese citizen by naturalization after being adopted by Taiwanese parents. However, for those who haven’t been adopted, even they are under 20 years old, they can also file for naturalization to the household registration office by local social affair bureau.

     The immigration agency stated that if migrant worker parents show up for their lost kids, the official will help the family with travel documents and send them back to their home country right away in order to make sure the kid can be together with their family. However, for the safety of the pregnant migrant worker, it is not allowed to be taken in by means of voucher for people or money. Moreover, for those who can’t find a place to stay before heading back to their countries, the immigration agency will contact social welfare institution to help them settle down. Besides, the immigration agency is working out plans with the help from the non- government organization to help those family in order to protect human right.

     The immigration agency indicated that the Executive Yuan has invited Department of Labour, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Education and Interior Ministry for meeting several times since 2014, discussing issues about the how to identify those non-Taiwanese orphan kids, their medical care and education. The immigration agency has kept cooperating with Executive Yuan and Ministry of Health and Welfare with all kinds of mission and seeking out a better plan for the human right of the kids. The official hope that migrant workers should be responsible for the kids and understand the government’s concern and it is welcomed to ask for helps if any difficulties.

Immigrant Agency works out plan to protect human right/ Immigration Agency photo

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