
Countdown to the start of school for first graders! Nearly 700 children in Taipei have 'missed a shot'

The Health Bureau urges parents to vaccinate their children as soon as possible to continuously extend their protection and enhance herd immunity. (Photo/Heho Health provided)
The Health Bureau urges parents to vaccinate their children as soon as possible to continuously extend their protection and enhance herd immunity. (Photo/Heho Health provided)

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, there are 17,802 first-grade students registered in Taipei City this year. As of September 8, the completion rate for the two required vaccines before school entry has reached 96.2%. However, 682 children have yet to complete at least one of the required vaccine doses.

The Taipei City Health Department reminds parents to ensure that their children complete the second dose of the "Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine" and one dose of the "Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, and Inactivated Poliovirus combination vaccine (DTaP-IPV)" before entering school. Additionally, parents need to submit a copy of the "Vaccination Schedule and Record Form" to the school at the time of enrollment for the school to verify vaccination status and ensure the child's health for school attendance.Before reaching the age of 5 and entering elementary school, children need to complete an additional dose of two vaccines. (Photo/Heho Health provided)

In light of recent sporadic outbreaks of measles and pertussis in the country, the Health Department urges parents to complete their child’s vaccinations as soon as possible to extend the child's protection and enhance herd immunity. According to regulations, children must complete 17 doses of eight different vaccines before the age of three, and must receive two additional doses of two vaccines before entering elementary school at the age of five.

To help parents remember their child’s vaccination schedule, the Taipei City Health Department suggests that parents register for the "Infant and Child Vaccination and Health Information SMS System." The system will send a reminder seven days before the vaccination date. Parents can schedule the vaccination, bring their child’s National Health Insurance card and Child Health Handbook, and ensure timely vaccination for their child’s health and well-being.

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