
Violations against the rights of migrant workers: Employment permits will be revoked

Employment permits will be revoked if employers violate the freedom and rights of migrant workers. (Photo / Retrieved from United Daily News UDN)
Employment permits will be revoked if employers violate the freedom and rights of migrant workers. (Photo / Retrieved from United Daily News UDN)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

After the cluster infections in King Yuan Electronics Corp. (京元電子廠 KYEC), the Miaoli County Government announced that migrant workers will be prohibited from going out except during work hours.

Deputy commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) Chen Tsung-yen that all regulations under the level 3 alert must be followed regardless if you are a foreign migrant worker.

Read more: Applications for the Labor Relief Loan are suspended because of exceeding the original reserved quota

The CECC emphasized that everyone must follow epidemic prevention measures regardless of nationality. (Photo / Provided by the CECC)The CECC emphasized that everyone must follow epidemic prevention measures regardless of nationality. (Photo / Provided by the CECC) 

The Ministry of Labor stated that employers who hire foreigners must follow their living care plan and the instructions of the CECC while under the epidemic. Both employers and private employment service agencies must implement epidemic prevention measures in accordance with official regulations.

Read more: National Immigration Agency Kinmen County Service Station and migrant workers guard Wutao: Epidemic Prevention Implementation will continue

The Miaoli County Government issued a "Migrant Worker's Prohibition Order" which received various kinds of criticism. (Photo / Provided by the Miaoli County Government)The Miaoli County Government issued a "Migrant Worker's Prohibition Order" which received various kinds of criticism. (Photo / Provided by the Miaoli County Government) 

If employers or any person illegally deprives migrant workers of their freedom or violates their rights, it will be considered a violation of the law. Offenders can receive a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment. Employers must regard the violation of the Labor Protection Act as a serious matter. The MOL also emphasized that punishments will be implemented according to Articles 54 and 72 of the Employment Service Act if employers infringe on the freedom of migrant workers.

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