
"Double Protection! COVID and Flu Vaccines Administered Simultaneously, Easy Protection with One on the Left and One on the Right"

"Left flu, right COVID, health at ease." Get the flu vaccine in the left arm and the COVID-19 vaccine in the right arm to complete the vaccination process at once. (Photo / Source: CDC, United Daily News)
"Left flu, right COVID, health at ease." Get the flu vaccine in the left arm and the COVID-19 vaccine in the right arm to complete the vaccination process at once. (Photo / Source: CDC, United Daily News)

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that the 2024 COVID-19 and flu vaccines will be administered in phases starting from October 1. The first phase targets 11 groups, including the elderly aged 65 and above, preschool children, and medical personnel, from October 1. The second phase, starting November 1, extends COVID-19 vaccination to individuals aged 6 months and above not included in the first phase, while adults aged 50-64 without high-risk chronic diseases can receive the flu vaccine. The CDC urges eligible individuals to book their appointments and receive both vaccines simultaneously for double protection. 

This year marks the first time that COVID-19 and flu vaccines are launched together under the theme of "Double Protection," with the slogan "Flu on the left, COVID-19 on the right, stay healthy and worry-free." The CDC has produced four types of banners to help people identify vaccine providers: blue for clinics offering both COVID-19 and flu vaccines (2,914 clinics), purple for those offering only the flu vaccine (882 clinics), green for those offering only the COVID-19 vaccine (47 clinics), and orange for general vaccine promotion.The CDC specially provides four different banners for local health bureaus and contracted vaccination clinics to use, helping the public identify them. (Photo / Source: CDC, United Daily News)

Additionally, the CDC has partnered with Pxmart and RT-Mart to offer health gifts, such as bottled water and seasonal fruit, to the first 100 people getting vaccinated, while supplies last. Starting in November, 74 Pxmart stores and two RT-Mart locations across Taiwan will provide vaccination sites for increased accessibility. Details will be posted in each store. 

Addressing concerns about side effects from receiving both vaccines simultaneously, the CDC cited a 2022-2023 study from Israel. The study showed that the side effects of receiving both vaccines together were similar to those of the COVID-19 vaccine alone. About half of the participants experienced local reactions, such as pain at the injection site, while about a quarter experienced systemic symptoms such as headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue. Most symptoms did not last beyond 48 hours. The study also indicated that simultaneous vaccination did not affect the immune response of the COVID-19 vaccine. The CDC cited research to analyze the proportion of local and systemic symptoms after vaccination. (Photo / Source: CDC, United Daily News)

The CDC emphasized that timely vaccination is the most effective way to prevent COVID-19 and flu, encouraging eligible individuals to participate and obtain protection as early as possible. More information can be found on the CDC website or by calling the epidemic prevention hotline at 1922.

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