
Summer Scalp Alert! Master the 3-Step Health Routine: Observe, Consult, Care to Prevent Hair Loss

Starting July 1, the Health Promotion Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare will introduce six new child development screening services for children under 7 years old. The goal is to detect developmental delays early, provide timely intervention, and improve children's health. (Image / Heho Parenting)
Starting July 1, the Health Promotion Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare will introduce six new child development screening services for children under 7 years old. The goal is to detect developmental delays early, provide timely intervention, and improve children's health. (Image / Heho Parenting)

According to statistics, up to 90% of Taiwanese people experience scalp issues. Dr. Wang Chi-hsien, the Dermatology Director at En Chu Kong Hospital, emphasizes the importance of regular scalp health check-ups to understand one’s scalp type. If symptoms such as abnormal inflammation, flaking, or hair loss are detected, it is crucial to seek medical advice promptly and obtain a prescription from a dermatologist.

The hot and humid summer in Taiwan exacerbates scalp problems, causing significant discomfort for those affected. Statistics show that 90% of Taiwanese people report scalp issues in humid climates, with oily scalp being the most common complaint. Additionally, 40% of people express concerns about hair loss.

Just like the body, the scalp requires regular health check-ups. Understanding your scalp type, combined with proper daily care routines and early detection of hair follicle issues, is essential to prevent scalp crises induced by hot and humid weather.

The 3-Step Healthy Scalp Routine: Seize the Golden Treatment Period

Summer is a critical period for scalp problems, with symptoms such as oily scalp, itching, and unpleasant scalp odors causing not only physical discomfort but also potential social and psychological stress. It is recommended that individuals follow the "Observe, Consult, Care" 3-step routine for scalp care:

"Observe" by scheduling regular annual scalp health check-ups.

"Consult" by seeking advice from dermatologists or scalp care specialists.

"Care" by adopting correct daily care habits and using suitable hair products to improve scalp issues and regain confidence.

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