
Taiwanese Compatriot Association in the Philippines provides relief to the Philippines' Typhoon Doksuri victims

Taiwanese Compatriot Association in the Philippines provides relief to the Philippines' Typhoon Doksuri victims.   Photo reproduced from Pixabay
Taiwanese Compatriot Association in the Philippines provides relief to the Philippines' Typhoon Doksuri victims. Photo reproduced from Pixabay
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

At the end of July of this year, Typhoon Doksuri invaded the Philippines and seriously damaged the north. The Taiwanese Compatriot Association in the Philippines (TCAP) organized a fundraising event to help with local disaster relief. Before being given to local victims, the 500 donated items were sent to the Philippine National Police (PNP).

According to TCAP President Liang Yi-yuan (梁乙元), Typhoon Doksuri this time triggered floods in the northern region of the Philippine Island of Luzon, which left a large number of people impacted. As a result, TCAP started a fundraising campaign. TCAP recently visited the PNP to provide goods worth 250,000 pesos (about NT$140,000) that were accepted by Neri Vincent Ignacio, the deputy director of the PNP.

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Taiwanese Compatriot Association in the Philippines provides relief to the Philippines' Typhoon Doksuri victims.Photo reproduced from Wikipedia

In addition to giving a medal of appreciation in return, the PNP also thanked TCAP. According to PNP Deputy Director Neri Vincent Ignacio, Taiwanese citizens in the Philippines have considerably benefited the typhoon victims via their charity deeds. The Philippine police will continue to uphold its obligations and offer Taiwanese residents of the Philippines the finest services possible.

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