
The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that schools at all levels in Taiwan will be temporarily closed from May 19 to May 28.

And although schools are suspended, learning will continue. Taipei City provides an online learning platform — the Taipei CooC-Cloud database (台北酷課雲), so students can keep up with their education while staying at home. According to Taipei Times, the platform has more than 11,284 learning videos, 43,821 questions in its question database and links to 21 online databases. Students can also join live streaming courses to learn things such as programming or foreign languages.

 Image courtesy of Department of education of Taipei City.

Furthermore, Taiwan’s public TV channels will also air educational TV show during this period. According to Radio Taiwan International, Ministry of Education (MOE) has requisitioned one of Taiwan’s public TV channels from 1:30pm to 4:30pm each afternoon, and it has scheduled special programs with educational value. 

Radio Taiwan International mentions, the programs are divided into time-blocks based on the age of their target audience, ensuring that everyone from kindergarteners to high school students has something to watch. Hopefully, the shows will distract the kids long enough to give parents a breather.

Image courtesy of 《科技新報》.

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