
CECC, CDC, national level 3 alert, Taiwan local cases, Taiwan Covid-19

CECC Commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中). (Photo / Provided by the CDC)
CECC Commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中). (Photo / Provided by the CDC)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

On June 23, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced 104 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Taiwan. All 104 cases are indigenous. The CECC also announced 24 deaths today.

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104 new cases were recorded on June 23, all of which are local cases. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)
104 new cases were recorded on June 23, all of which are local cases. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)

The CECC pointed out that of the 104 indigenous cases, 45 are men and the other 59 are women, aged between under 5 to 89 years old. They began to suffer the onset of symptoms between June 10 and June 22, 2021. Regarding those indigenous cases, New Taipei City reported most cases, at 45, and Taipei City had the second highest number, at 22. Kaohsiung City and Hsinchu County reported 9 each; Taoyuan City reported 7 cases; Miaoli County reported 4 cases; Keelung City reported 3 cases; Yilan County reported 2 cases; Changhua County, Nantou County and Pingtung County reported 1 each.

Regarding the 24 deaths announced today, they were 15 men and nine women between 40 and 89 years old.

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The CECC reported that a total of 1,148,916 cases related to COVID-19 have been reported in Taiwan among which COVID-19 has been ruled out in 1,133,240. Of these reported cases, infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in 14,260 cases. Of the 14,260 confirmed cases, 1,166 are imported; 13,041 are indigenous; 36 are naval crew members aboard the Panshi fast combat support ship; 2 are infections on an aircraft; 1 case has unknown sources of infection; 14 cases' sources of infection are being investigated, and a cumulative total of 101 cases (including 1 newly added) have been removed from the list of confirmed cases. There have been a cumulative total of 599 COVID-19 deaths since 2020; of the 599 deaths, 591 are indigenous cases and the other 8 are imported. Regarding the 591 indigenous cases, there were 301 cases in New Taipei City, 235 cases in Taipei City, 19 cases in Keelung City, 15 cases in Taoyuan City, 9 cases in Changhua County, 4 cases in Taichung City, 2 cases in Yilan County and 2 in Hsinchu County, Taitung County, Yunan One case each in Lin County, Kaohsiung City and Hualien County.

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The CECC also announced today (June 23) that after further evaluation, it was decided that the National Level 3 Alert will continue until July 12. This gives enough time to ensure the safety of the people and to give hope to the people in fighting this epidemic together.

The national level 3 alert is extended until July 12. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)The national level 3 alert is extended until July 12. (Photo / Provided by the CDC) 

The national level 3 alert must be strictly followed. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)The national level 3 alert must be strictly followed. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)

The CECC reminds the public to pay attention to personal hygiene such as washing your hands regularly, wearing your masks, reducing unnecessary outings, and avoiding crowded areas especially those that are considered to be high-risk. Cooperating and following these epidemic prevention guidelines will keep the land and its people safe.

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