
Director of Health Bureau of the Republic of Somaliland comes to Taiwan to exchange knowledge on disaster medical rescue

Director of Health Bureau of the Republic of Somaliland comes to Taiwan to exchange knowledge on disaster medical rescue.  Photo provided by Hualien County Health Bureau
Director of Health Bureau of the Republic of Somaliland comes to Taiwan to exchange knowledge on disaster medical rescue. Photo provided by Hualien County Health Bureau
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The Republic of Somaliland's Director of Health Bureau traveled to Taiwan to learn how to enhance emergency medical rescue skills during catastrophes. He visited the Hualien County Health Bureau, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, and Tzu-Chi Foundation along with doctors from the Department of Emergency Medicine of National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch in order to learn more about emergency medical rescue capabilities from Taiwan's practical experience. He also communicated with the Medical Emergency Operation Center - Hualien Branch, MOHW.

Director of Health Bureau of the Republic of Somaliland comes to Taiwan to exchange knowledge on disaster medical rescue.Photo provided by Hualien County Health Bureau

The "Somaliland Public Health Medical Emergency Response System Plan" will be implemented in 2024, according to suggestions made in the medical study report in Somaliland by the Yunlin Branch of National Taiwan University Hospital and Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (Taiwan ICDF). It is anticipated to establish a solid basis for the next disaster medical rescue strategy by imparting to Somaliland the knowledge of the Hualien Disaster Medical Team.

Director of Health Bureau of the Republic of Somaliland comes to Taiwan to exchange knowledge on disaster medical rescue.Photo provided by Hualien County Health Bureau

Read more: At NTUT, NIA organized an orientation for international freshmen on anti-human trafficking, regulations, etc.

The Republic of Somaliland, which is located in East Africa, has agriculture and animal husbandry as its two primary sectors, as noted by the director of the Somaliland Health Bureau. The fourth-highest camel population in the world is found in this nation. He thinks he may get numerous skills for disaster relief and emergency response by traveling to Taiwan and exchanging ideas with locals there.

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