
雙語新聞-台灣企業家打造智慧釀酒機 讓你疫情也能快樂宅在家 Taiwanese entrepreneur creates smart brewing machines, providing perks of staying at home during pandemic

29歲台灣企業家打造智慧釀酒機,讓你疫情也能快樂宅在家。Taiwanese entrepreneur, who is only 29 years old, creates smart brewing machines, providing perks of staying at home during pandemic. (Photo / Retrieved from the Pixabay)
29歲台灣企業家打造智慧釀酒機,讓你疫情也能快樂宅在家。Taiwanese entrepreneur, who is only 29 years old, creates smart brewing machines, providing perks of staying at home during pandemic. (Photo / Retrieved from the Pixabay)

By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network


根據The China Post報導, 【看CP學英文】有商業頭腦的大學畢業生總會有許多創業的點子,但是要有獨特的特質才能成為一個成功的企業家,而赴美創業的張景彥就是絕佳的例子。

According to The China Post, business-minded college graduates have a lot of room to experiment with business ideas, but being a successful entrepreneur, like Oscar Chang, requires a unique personality.


Oscar Chang, the CEO and Co-founder of Alchema wanted to make home brewing of cider, wine, and beer easier, safer, and more accessible so he built a Smart Home Brewing Solution that can be utilized from the comfort of your own home.


他告訴The China Post記者,「這台機器內建的應用程式提供大量來自Alchema官方以及其他用戶的酒譜,所以你只需要選擇你最中意的酒譜並加入糖、水、酵母等材料,我們的機器就會消毒內部環境以確保安全製造。」

“The machine comes with an app that provides lots of recipes from Alchema and other users,” he told The China Post. “So you can choose your favorite recipe and follow the instructions with ingredients, including things like sugar, water, and yeast, and our machine will sanitize the environment to make sure it is safe.”


Alchema的執行長暨共同創辦人張景彥想要讓居家釀造蘋果酒、啤酒以及紅酒變得更簡單、更安全。CEO and Co-founder of Alchema wanted to make home brewing of cider, wine, and beer easier, safer. (Photo / Retrieved from the Pixabay)

Alchema的執行長暨共同創辦人張景彥想要讓居家釀造蘋果酒、啤酒以及紅酒變得更簡單、更安全。CEO and Co-founder of Alchema wanted to make home brewing of cider, wine, and beer easier, safer. (Photo / Retrieved from the Pixabay)

It usually takes about three to five days to make a batch depending on the alcohol level you’re looking for. And the eventual product from the Alchema machine could be the perfect icebreaker for users to build a conversation with friends and relatives.

The concept of home brewing has been very successful during the pandemic but Chang recalls how back in 2015, he launched his startup with little money and tried to “bring this idea forward.” He applied for a startup competition held by the Taiwan government. And luckily, he won the championship.



In 2016, he brought this idea to the San Francisco Bay Area where he showed his idea around. “I believed, if I work really hard with the right amount of awareness, I could attract people.”


And it turned out true, he attracted lots of people who provided him with product and market feedbacks before he launched the Kickstarter campaign. The campaign successfully raised US$300,000.


So far, Alchema has around 4,000 users in our app seeking recipe ideas. The company has sold 3,000 units both in the United States and Taiwan for people who want to do it by themselves and create their own things.


“You know the biggest difference between Taiwan entrepreneurs and others, is if you start a hardware company in Taiwan, you will have more support both from the government and manufacturers,” he explained.

他回想道,「我與其中一間製造商『邁特電子』有著相當密切的合作關係」。「他們幫我們打理好所有細節以確保製造過程不會出任何差錯」。如果考慮創業, 張景彥建議應該要花更多時間在問自己為什麼—為什麼想要創立自己的公司?「成立公司是一場資源戰。」他評論道,「你需要資本、時間、及人力來建立你的公司並將其推向市場,但是你也需要證據說服大眾付出時間及金錢為你的產品買單、同時壯大你的團隊。」

“I worked very closely with one of the manufacturers, Might Electronic,” he recalled. “They took care of all the details for us and made sure nothing goes wrong during the production.”

Chang would recommend potential entrepreneurs to spend more time asking themselves why, why do they want to build their own companies?

“Building a company is a resources game,” he remarked. “You need money, time, human resources to build up your company products and bring them to the market. But you need those proof to convince people to give you money, time, and to join your teams.”


When asked about how to find the right partners to start a company, he recommended avoiding three things when looking: poor communication, competency gap, and commitment gap.

Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By Dimitri Bruyas



