
雙語新聞-「讓孩子快樂成長」是關鍵!吳鳳出書大談中西教育Make kids happy! Rifat’s new book highlights cross-cultural differences in education

吳鳳出書大談中西教育。Rifat believes raising happy kids is the most important thing. (Photo courtesy of Rifat)
吳鳳出書大談中西教育。Rifat believes raising happy kids is the most important thing. (Photo courtesy of Rifat)

Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network

By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network

根據The China Post報導, 土耳其裔網紅吳鳳近日新推出在台灣出版的的第五本書《養出快樂的孩子比什麼都重要》,根據自身經驗,對比西方和台灣社會談兒童教育。

According to The China Post, Turkish YouTuber and Internet celebrity Rifat (吳鳳) recently released his fifth book in Taiwan — “Raising Happy Kids is More Important Than Anything” (養出快樂的孩子比什麼都重要).

The book delves into child education from his personal experience and highlights some cross-cultural differences between the Western and Taiwan.

與The China Post訪談中吳鳳表示,自2006年來台,台灣人對他和他的家人都非常親切、熱心,而台灣的經濟發展更是一大加分。

吳鳳發現台灣的教育與他的文化大不相同。When talking about one’s childhood, Rifat hopes his children will have more to do than cram schools and homework. (Photos courtesy of Rifat)吳鳳發現台灣的教育與他的文化大不相同。When talking about one’s childhood, Rifat hopes his children will have more to do than cram schools and homework. (Photos courtesy of Rifat)

Speaking to The China Post, Rifat said that Taiwanese people have been kind and helpful to him and his family since he moved to Taiwan in 2006, and the improving economy is definitely a plus to living here.

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“Also, I’ve learned from Taiwanese people, for example, more about recycling, and how to care about nature. This is what we’re lacking in Turkey,” Rifat confessed. “I’d want to teach my kids these kinds of things.”


However, after years of observation, Rifat noticed that education in Taiwan differs from his home country.


“What I realized in Taiwan is that when most of the Taiwanese are talking about their childhood, they’re always talking about cram schools (補習班), writing homework, and studying, but when I talk about mine, I talk about the seaside, beautiful memories, playing with sand,” he noted.


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Rifat believes that Taiwanese people are really lovely, yet he feels like some are pressuring their kids for more performance as they are afraid their kids can’t perform at school.


He relayed a conversation he had with another Taiwanese woman when she sought him out for advice after expressing worries over how her child can’t speak English well at age five.


“It is impossible to have everything in five years. That’s why I want to take my time. If I think about education all the time, kids will have pressure, and I will have pressure. You don’t need that kind of pressure in our lives,” he replied.


Rifat has always believed that education is flexible. Unlike making a pizza, there’s no recipe nor an exact answer to make a kid successful.


“My take on education is to make kids happy. Creating the right environment — the best environment is what I can offer the kids,” he asserted.


“Let them learn from the things, participate, enjoy the events. Maybe hiking in the mountains, touching the trees. See and be part of nature,” he added.


Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By Mickey Hong




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