
The century-old tradition of "pounding fire" culture reappears with an exhibition in Yehliu, promoting the heritage of sustainable fishing practices.

Group photo at the opening ceremony. (Photo / Courtesy of the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, Republic of China)
Group photo at the opening ceremony. (Photo / Courtesy of the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, Republic of China)

Every summer, the firework fishing culture of Jinshan attracts countless visitors to the North Coast to witness the unique charm of traditional fisheries. To preserve this precious intangible cultural heritage, the North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Administration (NCGNSA) has launched the "Centennial Firework Fishing Culture Exhibition" at the Yehliu Visitor Center from August 9 to August 30. Through showcasing the history and heritage of firework fishing, the exhibition aims to raise awareness and appreciation for this traditional fishing method, offering volunteer-guided tours and translation services on weekends for an in-depth introduction to this cultural treasure.The Centennial Fireworks Culture Exhibition" is being held from today until Friday, August 30, on the 2nd floor of the Yehliu Visitor Center. (Photo / Courtesy of the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, Republic of China)

The exhibition not only presents the historical development of firework fishing but also displays fishing gear from Mazhu Village and photographic works capturing the firework scenes. Featuring firework fishing boat models, historical films, and the evolution of early torch fishing methods, the exhibition allows visitors to experience the hardships of past fishermen. Additionally, the NCGNSA has collaborated with Chihlee University of Technology and the Mazhu Fishing Village Cultural Life Association to enrich the exhibition with diverse cultural elements, providing bilingual explanations in Chinese and English to help international visitors understand this unique Taiwanese fishing technique.

Director Chen Yu-chuan of the NCGNSA expressed that the exhibition hopes to raise awareness of the history and value of firework fishing culture while promoting its transformation into a local tourist attraction. The Centennial Firework Fishing Culture Exhibition not only revives the glorious history of firework fishing but also ensures the sustainable continuation of this environmentally friendly fishing method. Visitors can join guided tours on weekends to explore the mysteries of firework fishing and experience the cultural ambiance of the North Coast.In recent years, the North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Administration has been actively promoting the transformation of the firework fishing industry, turning it into a popular tourism activity with local cultural characteristics. (Photo / Courtesy of the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, Republic of China)

Local cultural worker Zhuo Qing-song highlighted that the development of firework fishing has a history of over 300 years, from early torch fishing to the current acetylene fire fishing method. The loud sound and bright light produced when the acetylene flame ignites attract thousands of herring to leap out of the water, creating a spectacular fishing scene, hence the name "firework fishing."

To allow more people to experience this culture, the NCGNSA has introduced two themed firework fishing tours on the "Fujiyama 268" and "Hongchang 168" boats, allowing visitors to experience the dazzling charm of the North Coast's summer night fishing lights up close. Whether enjoying the thrill of firework fishing or exploring the Fish Road Trail and Sulphur Harbor Fishing Village, these activities offer travelers a deeper understanding and appreciation of this soon-to-be-lost cultural heritage.

This exhibition and the related activities are not only a tribute to traditional culture but also a commitment to its future preservation. Through the promotion of firework fishing culture, it is hoped that more people will learn about this unique Taiwanese fishing technique and find its new place and value in modern society.

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