
Singaporean Malaysian Chinese Toss Yu Sheng to Celebrate CNY

Singaporean Malaysian Chinese toss Yu Sheng to celebrate CNY Image: From Pixabay Gallery
Singaporean Malaysian Chinese toss Yu Sheng to celebrate CNY Image: From Pixabay Gallery

[Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network] In Singapore and Malaysia, the first dish of Chinese New Year's Eve is "Yu Sheng", which arranges various ingredients symbolizing auspicious meanings into colorful dishes, and the whole family holds chopsticks, while saying auspicious words, while using chopsticks to pick up these dishes and stir them, and the ingredients of Yu Sheng ingredients are sprinkled all over the table, representing the overflow of good luck and symbolizing the prosperity of the new year.

The allusion to this dish comes from the Cantonese pronunciation of Wind and Water (風生水起). The ingredients include fish fillet or salmon symbolizing "good fortune every year", shredded carrot to symbolize "good luck", shredded white radish symbolizing "prosperity", shredded green papaya symbolizing "eternal youth", plus peanuts, dried fruits and other symbols of "fully welcoming gold", plus seasoned pepper and five-spice powder, symbolizing "attracting wealth into treasure, five blessings at the door", drizzled with sweet and sour orange juice symbolizing "great luck", this colorful and delicious Yu Sheng platter is definitely the most important highlight of Chinese New Year's Eve dish in Singapore and Malaysia.

In Singapore and Malaysia, the higher, the more and the livelier the Chinese New Year's food is mean the higher the financial luck, and the easier it is to realize various New Year's wishes. Usually, if the family tosses Yu Sheng together, the table will be a mess, and the raw fish is sprinkled all over the table, which means that the luck is overflowing, and next year's fortune will overflow.

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