
Award-winning film The Story of Southern Islet now showing in Taiwan theaters

Award-winning film The Story of Southern Islet now showing in Taiwan theaters

According Tatler Malaysia, the Malaysian director Chong Keat Aun, who was named the best new director at the 57th Golden Horse Awards in Taipei, was a youth who lived a simpler life, surrounded by the lush paddy fields of Kedah and the local stories that would soon shape his entire career as a filmmaker

Clutching his award for best new director after the reveal of his first-ever feature film,  The Story of Southern Islet, with both hands, Chong Keat Aun’s voice was tremulous as he began his acceptance speech on the night of the 57th Golden Horse Awards, which took place just last year on November 21, 2020 in Taipei, Taiwan. “Movies themselves aren’t extraordinary. In fact, what’s most extraordinary are the people who made them happen,” he says.

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Tatler Malaysia explains the story of the film. Set amidst the backdrop of an idyllic countryside in Alor Setar, Kedah during the '80s, Chong’s debut film tells the story of Yan, a woman desperately seeking a cure for her husband Cheong, who, after quarrelling with a neighbour, suddenly falls ill and spits a bloodied, rusty nail.

According to the director, the premise of the film had been based on his own childhood events at the age of 10; particularly, the vivid memory of when his own father had succumbed to an unknown, incurable disease that left him weak and bedridden for almost a year.

In awe of his mother’s determination and inspired by the local  folklore  he’d grown up with at the time, Chong had wanted to convey a quintessentially Malaysian tale while sharing the journey of a woman so dedicated to her family. Jojo Goh, who plays Yan in the film, echoed the very same sentiment when she first read the script.

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Award-winning film The Story of Southern Islet now showing in Taiwan theaters. Image courtesy of 4-way news.

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