
Say Goodbye to Constipation and Dull Skin! 3 Detox Foods Recommended by Traditional Chinese Medicine to Lighten the Body

The body is experiencing more and more small issues, such as constipation, acne, itchy skin, and bad breath, which are caused by an accumulation of waste that hasn't been expelled from the body. (Image / Courtesy of Heho)
The body is experiencing more and more small issues, such as constipation, acne, itchy skin, and bad breath, which are caused by an accumulation of waste that hasn't been expelled from the body. (Image / Courtesy of Heho)

Minor discomforts in daily life, such as constipation, dull skin, and bad breath, are often caused by the body's inability to expel accumulated waste promptly. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners remind us that these issues can be improved through dietary adjustments. The following three detox foods not only promote bowel movements but also help the body accelerate detoxification, allowing you to regain a healthy state.

Dragon Fruit: The Guardian of Intestinal Health
Dragon fruit is not only delicious but also promotes intestinal peristalsis, effectively aiding in bowel movements. The plant-based protein it contains, albumin, binds with heavy metals to help the body eliminate toxins, making it particularly suitable for those with constipation. If you often experience digestive discomfort or difficulty in bowel movements, dragon fruit is a simple and healthy choice.

Barley Tea: The Buster of Water Retention, Helps Metabolism
Barley tea, made from barley and cassia seeds, is rich in diuretic minerals that promote water metabolism and alleviate problems such as cystitis and urethritis. It not only helps with water retention but also protects the stomach lining and improves blood circulation. Those who frequently feel bloated or heavy can add barley tea to their daily drink list.

Ginger: Helps Sweating, Removes Toxins
Many people stay in air-conditioned rooms for long periods due to hot weather, which can hinder sweat glands from functioning properly, preventing toxins from being expelled. Ginger, considered a natural remedy in TCM, promotes sweating and improves circulation, helping those who have difficulty sweating to expel toxins. Whether made into ginger tea or added to meals, ginger is a great way to aid detoxification.

Liver Detoxification is Also Important! Strengthening the Liver Meridian for Better Health
In addition to dietary adjustments, it's important to focus on the liver, the body's largest detox organ. According to TCM, exercising the liver meridian can effectively unblock liver qi and assist in detoxification, preventing issues like dull skin and insomnia. Paying attention to liver health in daily life helps keep the body light and energetic.According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, exercising the "Liver Meridian" can help unblock liver qi, achieving a detoxification effect, making it an essential practice for nourishing the liver. (Image / Courtesy of Heho)

If you want to get rid of physical discomfort, try these simple foods and wellness practices to regain your healthy glow!

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