
Keelung City Government International Family Service Center helps new Immigrants to get assimilate into local life

A picture book flash mob led by a new immigrant lecturer.
A picture book flash mob led by a new immigrant lecturer.

The Keelung City Government established the "Foreign Spouse Service Center" in 2005. However, with more than 200 new immigrants vote for a better name, they changed the name to "Keelung City Government International Family Service Center”, hoping that new immigrants who live in Keelung City can become the “reinforcements” of new immigrants in Taiwan, assist them to get assimilate to Taiwan’s society.

The Keelung City Government International Family Service Center provides consultation or case management services for new immigrants and their families through phone calls, home visits, face-to-face visits, etc… Besides, they also offer professional training for staff related to new immigrants to improve their service quality and multicultural sensitivity. In addition, the center has also established a volunteer team for new immigrants to recruit and train volunteers to develop their strengths and enhance social participation.

In addition to providing various services for new residents in need, the International Family Service Center also actively promote the city's multicultural publicity, interacts with citizens through large-scale event booths. Staffs will take new immigrants to the lecturers to the neighborhoods to experience  foreign cultural, supplemented by handicrafts, food experience and other ways to deepen the impression of residents in the community.

In addition, in order to make the information service center more effective and leave a deeper impression, the center will break through the previous publicity methods in 2021 by recruiting new immigrants and new second generations from Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand, etc… to establish the "New Immigrants Propaganda Troupe “ for practice. In 2022, the first microfilm "Embracing the "New" Home" will be filmed to record on the mental journey of new immigrants when they first came to Taiwan, appealing to and enhancing the multicultural capacities of citizens, and understanding the services provided by the International Family Service Center.

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