
NIA promotes “Carefree Covid-19 Vaccination Program” in Keelung City, encouraging migrant workers to get vaccinated

NIA promotes “Carefree Covid-19 Vaccination Program” in Keelung City. (Photo / Provided by Keelung City Service Center)
NIA promotes “Carefree Covid-19 Vaccination Program” in Keelung City. (Photo / Provided by Keelung City Service Center)

Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Translated by CHI CHIA I

In response to the sudden surge in Covid-19 cases, the Taiwan government has been promoting the “Carefree Covid-19 Vaccination Program” that adopts four principles, “won’t be reported”, “won’t be seized”, “won’t be charged for any fee”, “won’t be banned” to encourage foreign nationals, including undocumented migrant workers and overstayers to receive free vaccination, and it will last until January 31, 2022. The program will be carried out with rolling-wave planning according to CECC’s policies.

Read More: “Carefree Covid-19 Vaccination Program” is promoted at the Public Health Center of Magong, Penghu

Migrant workers are encouraged to get vaccinated. (Photo / Provided by Keelung City Service Center)Migrant workers are encouraged to get vaccinated. (Photo / Provided by Keelung City Service Center)

To encourage foreign nationals to get vaccinated, the National Immigration Agency (Keelung City Service Center) assisted in the promotion of vaccination services in medical institutions recently. Services provided include inquiry about and the issuance of UI No. for Foreign Nationals. It is hoped that foreigners would receive free vaccination as soon as possible to protect themselves and others.

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Interpreters at the vaccination site explained important notice in different languages. (Photo / Provided by Keelung City Service Center)Interpreters at the vaccination site explained important notice in different languages. (Photo / Provided by Keelung City Service Center)

Mao Zhao Li (毛兆莉), the Director of Keelung City Service Center, mentioned that NIA has received many inquiries from overstayers’ friends that if individuals will be reported once they visited the vaccination site. Therefore, the right information was disseminated via social media platforms such as Facebook & Line, as well as interpreters at vaccination sites.

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