
雙語新聞-中秋節必知傳奇人物是她!「嫦娥奔月」伴新住民過節The lady on the moon: Heartbreaking story behind Mid-Autumn Festival unveiled

嫦娥是中秋節故事的中心人物。Chang E is a central figure of the story regarding Mid-Autumn Festival. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)
嫦娥是中秋節故事的中心人物。Chang E is a central figure of the story regarding Mid-Autumn Festival. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network

Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network

根據the China Post報導,【看CP學英文】當滿月的光輝撒在大地上時,烤肉架將在台灣各處重見天日。家家戶戶、親朋好友會聚集在頂樓、公園甚至是騎樓下。在火焰和烤肉飄逸的香味中,熱鬧的聊天聲將隨之起舞。而大家的眼神也會時不時向天上望去,欣賞一年中最圓、最亮的月。

According to the China Post, as the full moon wraps the Earth in its silver glow, the barbeque grills come out. Families and friends gather on rooftops, in some parks, and even on sidewalks. The conversation keeps pace with the sizzling flames as the smell of grilled meat and vegetable takes to the air.Eyes gaze skyward to observe the moon in its glory.


Such are the scenes in Taiwan during Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival. The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month — Sept. 21 this year. It is the day of the autumnal equinox when the moon is the fullest and brightest.

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Moon Festival is one for reunions and families and friends generally go outdoors, where they can admire the moon in its beauty. Important activities on this special occasion, include eating moon cakes, which symbolize unity and togetherness; strolling under the full moon; and eating pomelos, since the Chinese term for this citrus fruit, which sounds like the Chinese words for “care and protection.”

中秋節是親朋好友團聚的好時光,大部分的家庭都會藉此往戶外移動以便賞月。Moon Festival is one for reunions and families and friends generally go outdoors, where they can admire the moon in its beauty. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)中秋節是親朋好友團聚的好時光,大部分的家庭都會藉此往戶外移動以便賞月。Moon Festival is one for reunions and families and friends generally go outdoors, where they can admire the moon in its beauty. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)


The festival has a long history, dating back to ancient China and several accounts of its origin have survived. In Taiwan, the most popular version is an account of Hou Yi and his wife, Chang E (嫦娥) —  although the exact details vary.


According to legend, Hou Yi won the elixir of immortality after he shot out of the sky nine suns that were scorching crops and driving people into dire poverty and ordering the remaining sun to rise and set according to time.

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However, not wanting to leave his wife behind, Hou Yi gave her the elixir for safekeeping. Peng Meng saw where Chang E hid the elixir and waited until Hou Yi went hunting and used a sword to demand that Chang E hand over the portion. Chang E, knowing that she could not defeat Peng Meng, drank the elixir and turned into a celestial being.

Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By Vivian Hsiao


