
Manila archbishop Advincula tests positive for COVID-19

Manila archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula. (Photo / Retrieved from CNN Philippines)
Manila archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula. (Photo / Retrieved from CNN Philippines)

According to [CNN Philippines], Manila archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula has tested positive for COVID-19, the Archdiocese of Manila said in a statement on Friday.

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The Manila archdiocese added the 69-year-old archbishop has a slight fever and is undergoing quarantine. Doctors are also monitoring his condition.

Manila archbishop Advincula tests positive for COVID-19. (Photo / Retrieved from Rappler)

Manila archbishop Advincula tests positive for COVID-19. (Photo / Retrieved from Rappler)

"We appeal for your prayers for His Eminence (Advincula) and for all those who are sick with COVID-19," the Archdiocese of Manila said.

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According to [CNN Philippines], Advincula holds the post for almost three months now after succeeding Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, who left the seat in February 2020 to serve in the Vatican as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

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