
Fake Book Giveaways, Real Scams! Beware of "Free" Traps Online

Claiming to Generously Give Away Books, but It's a Scam (Image / Sourced from the Criminal Investigation Bureau Facebook Page, National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior)
Claiming to Generously Give Away Books, but It's a Scam (Image / Sourced from the Criminal Investigation Bureau Facebook Page, National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior)

Recently, a large number of ads have appeared on social media under the guise of "free book giveaways," claiming to offer thousands of books, mostly related to finance, targeting budget-conscious individuals and retirees. However, these activities are actually scams. Upon investigation, it was found that these ads use the names of celebrities or authors without authorization, luring the public into providing personal information, which is then exploited for fraud.

Experts warn that scam tactics are constantly evolving, and the public should remain vigilant. According to statistics, the number of fraud cases continues to rise, with most victims being budget-conscious individuals and the elderly, who may be less familiar with digital security. As the saying goes, "Nothing is more expensive than free," reminding people not to trust unknown links or seemingly attractive advertisements. Once personal information is provided, individuals may become targets for further fraud or phishing attacks.

With scam methods becoming increasingly diverse, the public should stay alert, protect their personal information, and be aware of the latest scam tactics at all times.

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