
Colorful zinnias and sunflowers are blooming in the flower fields near Baxia Pumping Station (八仙抽水站) in Taipei's Beitou District, Beitou Precinct of Taipei City Police Department said in a press release on Sunday (Nov. 17).

The photogenic flowers are especially attractive when taken against the backdrop of Shezi Bridge, the precinct said. The flower fields cover an area of four hectares.

In addition to enjoying the flowers, visitors can also admire Datun Mountain and Guanyin Mountain in the distance. They will produce a feeling of peace, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city, the precinct added.

The best way to get to the flower fields is by bike. Ride along the Keelung riverside bike path between Shilin and Guandu to get to Baxia Pumping Station, near Alley 401, Sec. 7, Chengde Rd., Beitou District. Once there, go down the stairs to reach the flower fields.

Beitou Precinct urges visitors to walk on the ridges between the flower fields and not in the fields themselves, which have been painstakingly cultivated by farmers.

Source:Taiwan News

(Beitou Precinct photo)

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