
A Vietnamese girl was touched by warmhearted Taiwanese for offing assistance while running into malfunction of YouBike

A Vietnamese girl was touched by warmhearted Taiwanese for offing assistance while running into malfunction of YouBike.  Photo reproduced from越南女孩可可-Layla Pham YouTube
A Vietnamese girl was touched by warmhearted Taiwanese for offing assistance while running into malfunction of YouBike. Photo reproduced from越南女孩可可-Layla Pham YouTube
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

Keke (Layla Pham), a Vietnamese student, decided to study in Taiwan and documented her time there because she wanted to engage with Taiwanese friends and understand more about their culture. Keke recently had a problem with a YouBike and the bike broke down. Fortunately, the vendors nearby instantly assisted her out of the situation, and she was moved to comment that Taiwanese people are indeed enthusiastic to help people.

A Vietnamese girl was touched by warmhearted Taiwanese for offing assistance while running into malfunction of YouBike.Photo reproduced from越南女孩可可-Layla Pham YouTube

Read more: An American YouTuber who visited Taiwan to bicycle across the island gave the police and locals credit for their friendliness

In the video, Keke is quite anxious since the YouBike is locked due to a malfunction, and because of the language barrier, she has been unable to find a solution after having spoken to YouBike's customer service representatives for a considerable amount of time.

A Vietnamese girl was touched by warmhearted Taiwanese for offing assistance while running into malfunction of YouBike.Photo reproduced from越南女孩可可-Layla Pham YouTube

Keke was appreciative that the vendor next to her had noticed her predicament as she was standing hopelessly on the side of the road clutching the phone and had immediately asked the neighboring stall merchants to assist her in finding a solution.

A Vietnamese girl was touched by warmhearted Taiwanese for offing assistance while running into malfunction of YouBike.Photo reproduced from越南女孩可可-Layla Pham YouTube

Keke claimed that she had previously gotten assistance from Taiwanese, which had left her a positive impression of Taiwan. She also said that international visitors to Taiwan are always welcome to seek assistance if they run into problems. She thinks the majority of Taiwanese people are willing to offer assistance.

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