
Students in Miaoli Cheng Gong Elementary School Learn to Sing Vietnamese Songs

Students in Miaoli Cheng Gong Elementary School Learn to Sing Vietnamese Songs

The second generation of new resident accounts for nearly 20% of the total number of students in Miaoli Cheng Gong Elementary School. In response to the new southbound policy and new course direction, it takes Vietnamese as feature course and set up the Vietnamese chorus to teach the correct tone and singing skills. Hoping students to learn and understand Vietnamese through singing Vietnamese songs.

The school apply to new resident’s development fund for Vietnamese language and culture advanced learning program by the assistance of education office of Miaoli County. It arranged the students to practice Vietnamese singing during the morning self-study time and teach Vietnamese basic courses in the club activity. Nearly two of third of the students have learned basic life phrase and greetings. The practice of singing is supplemented by Vietnamese language learning, so that children can use Vietnamese as a second foreign language.

As the disadvantaged children and new residents' children do not have enough resources to practice their talents during spare time, the school arranged a special plan to set up Taiko team on Wednesday afternoon and in the club activity to encourage children to learn. Now, not only the chorus is invited to perform in the National Day of the counties and cities or the national new residents’ education achievement exhibition. The Taiko performance is well received by local community and has also been invited to lots of performances in the county.

 Miaoli Cheng Gong Elementary School promotes feature courses of new residents’ language and set up Vietnamese chorus.  Attribute: Miaoli County Government

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