
Five tips to avoid the coronavirus disease to spread in communities

Five tips to avoid the coronavirus disease to spread in communities. Image courtesy of《1122-news》.
Five tips to avoid the coronavirus disease to spread in communities. Image courtesy of《1122-news》.
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by Amy Hsieh

Taiwan government extended a national level 3 Covid alert until June 14. To mitigate community transmission of COVID-19, the Ministry of the Interior offers five tips to avoid the coronavirus disease spreading in communities.  



Five tips to avoid the coronavirus disease to spread in communities. Image courtesy of《ETtoday新聞雲》.

  • Here are the five tips below: 
  1. Wear a mask when leaving home: residents and community service personnel should wear masks in outdoor spaces or public areas, and maintain social distance. They should also wear masks in elevators, and avoid talking as much as possible.
  2. Wash your hands after touching surfaces outside: after touching elevator buttons or door handles in public areas, wash your hands thoroughly with hand sanitizers. 

Five tips to avoid the coronavirus disease to spread in communities. Image courtesy of MOI.

3.Conduct real-name registrations: visitors should register their real name before entering the building. Community service perform should conduct body temperature measurements and hand disinfection.

  1. Regular Disinfection: public spaces should be disinfected regularly and provide masks and hand sanitizers.
  2. Shut down activity venues: public areas such as playrooms and multi-functional activity spaces in the community should be temporarily shut down. Ventilation of indoor spaces to stop the spread of coronavirus. 

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