
雙語新聞-日本最歡樂的綿羊「笑口常開」網友得知真相:原來是吃貨Farm reveals reason behind smile of Japan’s ‘happiest sheep’

一隻微笑的羊最近因為笑容而在網路上走紅。A smiling sheep has recently gone viral on the internet for its ear-to-ear grin. (Photo courtesy of Awaji Farm Park England Hill/Twitter)
一隻微笑的羊最近因為笑容而在網路上走紅。A smiling sheep has recently gone viral on the internet for its ear-to-ear grin. (Photo courtesy of Awaji Farm Park England Hill/Twitter)

Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network


根據The China Post報導, 【看CP學英文】現在有許多主人們喜歡拍下自家寵物的搞笑照片,而網路上也常常出現笑翻眾人的寵物照,讓網友嘖嘖稱奇。

According to The China Post, many pet owners like to take funny photos of their furry companions, bringing some good laughs to online users around the world.

近期位於日本兵庫縣的動物農場「英格蘭之秋」上傳了一張綿羊咧嘴笑的貼文。An animal farm in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, “Awaji Farm Park England Hill” recently uploaded a post of a grinning sheep. (Photo / Retrieved from the Pixabay)近期位於日本兵庫縣的動物農場「英格蘭之秋」上傳了一張綿羊咧嘴笑的貼文。An animal farm in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, “Awaji Farm Park England Hill” recently uploaded a post of a grinning sheep. (Photo / Retrieved from the Pixabay)


An animal farm in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, “Awaji Farm Park England Hill” recently uploaded a post of a grinning sheep. The photo showed the female sheep “Momen” displaying a bright smile, with her eyes squinting into a line.

In the caption, the farm park owners pointed out that Momen smiles “like an angel.”

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今年三歲的Momen的品種是柯利黛(Corriedale)羊,根據Yahoo Japan新聞表示,英格蘭之秋的飼養員說,其實她並沒有在微笑,是所謂的「裂唇嗅反應」,透過抬起嘴唇,分辨其他綿羊身上氣味的表現,是她的生理反應之一。

According to Yahoo Japan news, three-year-old Momen is a “Corriedale”, and the breeder of Awaji Farm said she’s not smiling but actually displaying a “flehmen response.”

The report added that this is one of her physiological reactions, which is performed by lifting her lips to distinguish the scent of other sheep.


The breeder also added that Momen is a quiet, but food-obsessed sheep who usually poses happily in the corner of the hut.

However, as soon as mealtime comes, she becomes dominant and pushes her companions away to enjoy the food alone.

貼文一發出,立刻引起日本網友熱烈討論, 「她太可愛了!」、「是眾人的開心果」、「我也跟她一樣笑口常開」、「我希望可以跟她一樣快樂」、「快點分我一點快樂!」,而飼養員表示,「很多人透過這張照片認識到Momen和我們的動物農場,感到非常的開心。我們希望可以讓Momen的笑臉為更多人帶來喜悅」。

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As soon as the post was shared online, it brought along new fans of the sheep, with social media users commenting: “She’s so cute! I wish I could be as happy as she is.”

The breeder later added: “Many people are very happy to know about Momen and our animal farm through this photo. We hope that Momen’s smiling face can bring joy to more people.”

Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By Alan Hsu

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