
Foreign teachers make desserts to teach Junior high school freshmen students to learn English in "FUN - Summer Bilingual Camp"

The campus holds "FUN Summer Bilingual Camp" for freshmen. Photo/Provided by Li-Jen Junior High School
The campus holds "FUN Summer Bilingual Camp" for freshmen. Photo/Provided by Li-Jen Junior High School
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

After more than three months of suspension of classes due to the epidemic, the Taichung Municipal Li-Jen Junior High School, in compliance with epidemic prevention regulations, organized the "FUN -Summer Bilingual Camp" for new students. The foreign teachers make ice desserts using simple ingredients and the students are required to talk to classmates and teachers in English throughout the whole process and use partitions when eating to comply with epidemic prevention regulations. Parents are also very happy to let their children experience hand-made ice desserts and at the same time experience the English environment. With this kind of continuous English environment, the children's listening and speaking skills will definitely improve.

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Foreign teachers make desserts to teach students to learn English. Photo/Provided by Li-Jen Junior High School

Foreign teachers make desserts to teach students to learn English. Photo/Provided by Li-Jen Junior High School

Foreign teacher Peter said that seeing children speak English spontaneously, he is willing to guide them in this way in the future. The Chinese teacher coordinator Chang Ya-Ping (張雅娉) said that the children’s English ability are not so bad, it’s just that they are afraid to speak. With the Foreign teachers leading the class, the students not only develop listening skills, but they are also able to speak English naturally. Although the preparation is difficult, it is also very interesting. To see the children so engaged in the process, working hard to communicate in English, and enjoying learning, the teachers feel that everything is worth it.

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Foreign teachers make desserts to teach students to learn English. Photo/Provided by Li-Jen Junior High School

Foreign teachers make desserts to teach students to learn English. Photo/Provided by Li-Jen Junior High School

The Taichung City Education Bureau (臺中市教育局) stated that foreign language ability is the key to keeping up with international standards. With the strong support of Mayor Lu Hsiu-Yen (盧秀燕), the number of foreign English teachers in Taichung City has reached 102, and the number of bilingual schools has reached 51. The city hopes to train more students to be fluent in foreign languages, to have an international outlook, and shine on the international stage.

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