
Keelung migrant fishermen gather to welcome 2022 - Year of the Tiger

Keelung migrant fishermen gather to celebrate end of 2021. (Photo / Provided by KMFU)
Keelung migrant fishermen gather to celebrate end of 2021. (Photo / Provided by KMFU)

By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network

Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】According to The China Post, the Keelung Migrant Fishermen Union (KMFU, 基隆市漁工職業工會) hosted an event on Dec. 26, welcoming migrant fishermen to come together and celebrate the coming of a new year.

The event, which was held at the Badouzi Fishing Harbor Prayer Room (八斗子漁港祈禱室), saw many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and public departments gather together to enjoy Indonesian specialties such as turmeric rice as well as Indonesian-style lunch boxes.

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Keelung migrant fishermen gather to celebrate end of 2021. (Photo / Provided by KMFU)Keelung migrant fishermen gather to celebrate end of 2021. (Photo / Provided by KMFU)

In addition, a lottery draw activity was also set up, providing migrant fishermen a fun time to wrap up this end of 2021.

The event saw around 100 guests in attendance, including policemen from the Keelung City Police Department, the local team from the National Immigration Agency (NIA, 移民署), the Rerum Novarum Center (RNC, 新事社會服務中心), the Serve the People Association, Taoyuan (SPA, 桃園市群眾協會) and more.

The entire event was also in strict compliance with epidemic-prevention standards, and after prayers were given by an Islamic elder, various participating group also delivered speeches to encourage the fishermen while also taking the chance to update them on recent, relevant government policies.

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Keelung migrant fishermen gather to celebrate end of 2021. (Photo / Provided by KMFU)Keelung migrant fishermen gather to celebrate end of 2021. (Photo / Provided by KMFU)

At the beginning of the event, the chairman encouraged the fishermen to be more united while working and living together in a foreign land, cherish and be grateful, and don’t break the trust between each other to promote one’s self-interest.

KMFU added that they will continue to assist migrant fishermen in improving their work and life balance, as well as organize more training activities that would strengthen their connection with the local community.

The NGOs also reminded the fishermen present that should they need any assistance, they can always reach out to discuss or consult with them so they’re not left all alone to resolve their problems on their own.

Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By Vivian Hsiao

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