
How to cultivate the ‘erotic thread’ that helps you stay connected to your romantic partner

Moments of feeling desired are key to many people’s sexual fantasies, research suggests, and touch can be crucial for couples to maintain a connection.  Klaus Vedfelt/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Moments of feeling desired are key to many people’s sexual fantasies, research suggests, and touch can be crucial for couples to maintain a connection. Klaus Vedfelt/Digital Vision/Getty Images

In relationships, many couples feel a lack of desire, even if they are having regular sex. The missing link is often what experts call the “erotic thread,” which keeps the sense of sexual connection alive between intimate moments. This thread can be maintained through flirting, playful touches, and other forms of affection that don’t necessarily lead to sex. 

According to sex therapists, nurturing the erotic connection is essential for a healthy relationship. Simple acts like prolonged eye contact, spontaneous kisses, or sending flirty texts can help reignite the spark without the pressure of initiating sex. It’s also crucial for partners to openly communicate their desires and boundaries, ensuring both feel seen and desired.Flirting is an important and fun way to keep the erotic spark alive.

By embracing these small moments of connection, couples can maintain intimacy, keeping their bond strong. This ongoing flirtation and objectification, when consensual, reminds partners of their attraction and deepens the emotional and physical ties that hold relationships together.

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