
雙語新聞-戴口罩對孩童有害嗎?專家:目前尚無科學證據Can kids be harmed wearing masks to protect against COVID?

目前並無科學證據顯示戴口罩會對孩童健康造成損害。There is no scientific evidence showing masks cause harm to kids’ health. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)
目前並無科學證據顯示戴口罩會對孩童健康造成損害。There is no scientific evidence showing masks cause harm to kids’ health. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

By The China Post, Taiwan/ Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network

Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network

根據the China Post報導,【看CP學英文】孩童為防範染上COVID-19而戴口罩,是否會對他們造成傷害?不會!目前除了毫無根據的假設之外,並無科學證據顯示戴口罩會對孩童健康造成損害。

According to the China Post, can kids be harmed wearing masks to protect against COVID? No, there is no scientific evidence showing masks cause harm to kids’ health despite baseless claims suggesting otherwise.


The claims are circulating on social media and elsewhere just as virus outbreaks are hitting many reopened U.S. schools — particularly those without mask mandates.

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Among the unfounded arguments: Masks can foster germs if they become moist or cause unhealthy levels of carbon dioxide. But experts say washing masks routinely keep them safe and clean.


Some argue that young children miss important visual and social cues that enhance learning and development when their classmates and teachers are wearing masks. But others note that children with vision or hearing impairment learn to adapt and that other kids can, too.

任職於梅奧兒童醫療中心(Mayo Clinic Children’s Center)的重症照護和感染控制專家Emily Levy表示,「我們不能確定口罩對孩童發展完全沒有影響,但我們知道不試圖防止病毒傳播將產生不利的影響」。

“We don’t know for sure that masks have no developmental effects but we do know that there are adverse effects from not trying to stop transmission,’’ said Dr. Emily Levy, critical care and infection control expert at Mayo Clinic Children’s Center.


There’s strong evidence masking children in schools can reduce COVID-19 transmission to other children and adults.

有強而有力的證據指出,在學校戴口罩的孩童可以減少傳播COVID-19病毒。There’s strong evidence masking children in schools can reduce COVID-19 transmission to others. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)有強而有力的證據指出,在學校戴口罩的孩童可以減少傳播COVID-19病毒。There’s strong evidence masking children in schools can reduce COVID-19 transmission to others. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

在亞利桑那州馬里科帕縣的166間學校中,沒有實施口罩令的學校COVID-19疫情比其他學校嚴重兩倍,該縣公衛部門的醫療主任Rebecca Sunenshine指出。

Across 166 schools in Maricopa County, Arizona, COVID-19 outbreaks are two times more common than those without mask mandates, said Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine, medical director of the county’s public health department.


Studies from school districts in other states including North Carolina have also found that masking can greatly reduce COVID-19 transmission rates, especially when it’s combined with physical distancing and other prevention measures.

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辛辛那提兒童醫院的疾病控制及預防主任Joshua Schaffzin指出,「關於防疫我們知道一點,沒有一種單一的干預措施可以取得勝利」。

“One thing that we know about prevention, about infection control is that there isn’t a single intervention that will win the day,’’ said Dr. Joshua Schaffzin, director of infection prevention and control at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.


But he noted there’s plenty of evidence that masking is a key component in making schools safer.

Authorization of this article from【The China Post】By The Associated Press, translated by Joyce Lee




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