
As the dengue fever epidemic edge up, the CDC calls on the public to clean the environment

As the dengue fever epidemic edge up, the CDC calls on the public to clean the environment.  Photo provided by Public Health Bureau, Tainan City Government
As the dengue fever epidemic edge up, the CDC calls on the public to clean the environment. Photo provided by Public Health Bureau, Tainan City Government
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The CDC urged the public to completely eliminate breeding sources to lower the danger of the epidemic as the dengue fever pandemic continues to spread. A CDC Spokesperson said that the number of vector mosquitoes will considerably rise following the typhoons. Additionally, the CDC Deputy Director General traveled to the south to conduct further inspections and carry out chemical prevention and control activities both inside and outside the case's dwelling and place of employment.

As the dengue fever epidemic edge up, the CDC calls on the public to clean the environment.Photo provided by CDC

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According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 157 additional cases of local dengue fever have been verified in Tainan City as of September, bringing the total number of cases there to 3058. Cases have also been reported in Yunlin, Kaohsiung, Nantou, and Pingtung. The CDC notably warns people that during typhoon season it frequently rains heavily and that it is simple for vector mosquitoes to develop in outdoor containers. It urges people to improve their own anti-mosquito defenses and remove all standing water from their everyday life.

As the dengue fever epidemic edge up, the CDC calls on the public to clean the environment.Photo provided by CDC

Taiwan is at danger of infecting dengue fever because of modern, easy transportation. Please get medical help as soon as you can if you have symptoms that may be related to dengue fever, such as a fever, headache, discomfort in the back of the eye, or pain in your muscles or joints. Dengue fever symptoms, such as stomach discomfort, recurrent vomiting, or mucosal bleeding, should be taken seriously if you encounter them.

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