
The National Assembly on July 23 had a vote, where 266 members approved the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between EU and Canada, while 213 against it and 74 votes choose to be absent.

Based on the foreign comprehensive reportages, when the CETA took effect, it will abolished most of the trade tariff between the EU and Canada. Nicholas Hulot, the former Ministry of Ecology in France in the Emmanuel Macron cabinet believes that this agreement will lower the health standards, open the door for the dangerous substances. Before the vote, he used the open letter, urged the members to “bravely refuse” the agreement.

The CETA has been negotiated for seven years, between the EU and Canada, and was signed in October 2016. It let the Canadian and EU companies to expand their business in two places and facing the European Union’s free trade zone with more than 500 million consumers. Although many farmers and NGOs opposed it, but some French parliamentarians approved the agreement with 266 votes on July 23. CETA has been approved by more than 10 member states in the European Union, but to be fully effective, it still necessary to obtain the other approval from the parliaments of the remaining EU member states.

France National Assembly Hall (source: Wikipedia)

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