Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program

Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program

Since the COVID-19 epidemic has swept the world in 2020, international flights have been suspended or substantially reduced, which result in a continuous increase in the number of overstayed migrants. At present, international flights are resumed. In order to assist the overstaying foreign population to return to their countries as soon as possible, National Immigration Agency promotes the "Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program" from February 1 to June 30, 2023.

Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program

Program Highlights

In order to encourage overstaying foreigners to come to the case, those who "self-report" during the program period will be treated “leniently" by exempting them from detention and control of entry ban, requiring them to pay a minimum fine of 2,000 NTD.

Read more: Overstayers self-report for redu ced penalty! Let NIA help you home!

Who are eligible for this program?

The program applies to foreigners and citizens of P.R.C., Hong Kong, or Macau who have exceeded their permitted time of stay in Taiwan and have not yet returned home, regardless of the visa type.

Read more: “Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program,” Migrant Workers in Chiayi City went Self-report Together

Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program
Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program

Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program, Let NIA help you home!

Overstayers who turn themselves in can be exempted from detentions, entry bans and pay a minimum fine of NTS2,000. They cancome to Taiwan again soon for sightseeing or visiting relatives.

Read more: A 90-year-old Couple from Vietnam to Self-report and Return Hometown Safely


Overstayers who fail to turn themselves in are subject to detentions, entry bans for a certain period, and a fine ranging from NT$2,000 to NT$10,000.

National Immigration Agency has also set up a special free consultation hotline 0800-024-881 (ByeBye), which provides multilingual services. Migrant workers and foreigners who have overstayed are welcome to use this hotline for consultation.

Read more: NGOs Propagandas “Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program” with National Immigration Agency

Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program
Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program

Where can I turn myself in?

Overstayers who are migrant workers can turn themselves in at the Specialized Operation Brigades of the NIA. Overstayers who are not migrant workers and have overstayed less than 90 days are encouraged to turn themselves in at the Service Center, the Specialized Operation Brigades, or the Border Affairs Brigades of

the NIA; those overstaying more than 91 days can turn themselves in at the Specialized Operation Brigades of the NIA.

More on: https://www.immigration.gov.tw

Read more:“One-step” Service Counter of "Expended Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program" helps Filipino Woman Home

First Response

Ruby 請問 有一小姪女小學四年級時因為父母離婚跟媽媽到越南, 現年24歲想回台灣, 請問該如何辨理,會被罰款嗎?罰多少呢?


Nikorn มอบตัวกลับไทย


張小姐 朋友2023、9月反回印尼,有越期發款教了,她是以探親來台的,那還可以申請來臺探親嗎?


我有一位泰國朋友 簽證逾期60天 自動到移民署自首 請問這樣罰金是多少 還有會禁止入境台灣嗎 謝謝


Sisi Apakah tahun 2024 akan diadakan seperti ini lagi?makstnya seperti dri bulan Februari sampai Juni akan denda 2000 jika menyerahkan diri?terimaskh jawabannya


范莉 我是中華民國國民,為本國、為執行任務的人員、為此行政措施感到「人道」、「情道」、「理道」、「法道」,謝謝執情人員,祝新年快樂、平安喜樂,願主賜福給你們、保護你們、施恩給你們。


eric ching 越南女姓朋友逾期居留(觀光簽證)去年6月主動報到並繳罰款2仟元,如今她如果跟台灣男生結婚,面談是否会限制她多久以後,才能入境


田田 嗨 我朋友是馬來西亞籍 她在專案時間內主動到案並繳款了2000逾期居留罰金。為何還是被蓋上禁止入境一年的懲罰?


j a x 請問我岳母幫忙袋小孩 2019年逾期回去 現在想申請她來看孫子 可是仲介後來說護照後面有蓋c就是永久不能申請來台灣 是真的嗎


公主 朋友在烏克蘭的時候護照遺失了烏克蘭機場知道了有透過文件證明上飛機前往台灣之後就被移送司法機關關起來、朋友說必須要保釋付費才能獲得自由不知道是否可以重新辦理護照嗎?要付費多少呢?
