
The legend of Hattusha: The ancient city inviting travelers to explore its rich history

Hattusha is a window into the golden age of the Hittites
Hattusha is a window into the golden age of the Hittites

Hattusha, the ancient capital of the Hittite Empire (1650-1193 BCE), lies in Türkiye’s Çorum province, offering a glimpse into the civilization's golden age. Discovered in 1834, the city’s extensive ruins, including grand walls, gates, temples, and palaces, showcase the Hittites’ architectural prowess. As excavation continues, artifacts like the Boğazköy Archive—a collection of clay tablets featuring official records, literature, and the world’s first recorded peace treaty—reveal insights into daily life and governance.Hattusha was known as the "City of 1,000 Gods"

Visitors can explore the Yerkapı tunnel beneath the Sphinx Gate or the extensive city walls, which were once part of a formidable defense system. Nearby, the open-air Yazılıkaya temple displays intricate carvings of gods and goddesses. Known as the "City of 1,000 Gods," Hattusha was a center of religious activity, with temples dedicated to the storm god Teshub and sun goddess Arinna.

Whether hiking or biking, travelers can experience Hattusha’s ancient past, making it a unique destination for history enthusiasts and curious visitors alike.

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